Meet you in College St - by Sarah Catherall, dominion-post |

More great press for the College Crew.  Below is the Goodness excerpt from an article in the Indulgence section of the Dominion Post a couple of Saturdays ago.  If you would like read the story in its entirety go to

Goodness, 19 College St

Goodness is the newest shop on the block, and came about after Christine Hales was zipping into L'Affare for a takeaway coffee when she spotted a "For Lease" sign in the window.

For the past few years, Hales has owned and run a women's fashion shop, Goodness, on Petone's Jackson St, which stocks a range of labels both from New Zealand and offshore, such as Sabatini, Kingan Jones and Oyl. She was looking for a new challenge, and was keen to expand her own label, Hale Van Traa, which she designs with a friend, stylist Justine Van Traa, and sells in her shops.
From a business perspective, College St makes sense - the rents are considerably cheaper for a start. "College St is like Jackson St. It's like a not-so-well-kept secret. Both are away from the high street and the mall situation. Goodness is all about that, the idea of staying away from mass-produced clothing."

The tall, dark-haired mother-of-three laughs that both shops are seven minutes in either direction from her Khandallah home "and one day I'll probably go in the wrong direction".

"I set the shop up in the opposite way to what typically happens. I started in the suburbs and came next to the city."