JAMES AY Sunglasses – Now at Goodness
We're excited to welcome James Ay to Goodness!
James Ay is a universe of plant-based sunglasses founded in 2019 - its brand is a tribute to the visionary, James Ayschough (1720-1759), the modern inventor of sunglasses.
A true pioneer of his time, he experimented with all kinds of lenses to improve how people could see in different lighting conditions. In contrast to his peers, he dared to go down unconventional paths and was consistent in his belief that optics could improve more than the sharpness of our views; they could also include colours.
So not only has his legacy inspired a new series of sunglasses, his inquisitive nature has done the same to the James Ay universe.
James Ay is founded on the premise that every time you put on a pair, you are in a moment where the sun lightens your heart and frees your mind. This simple idea fuels our creativity and guides us in pursuing a happy life. To extend our knowledge of what constitutes such a life, we tell stories about interesting people who found their way to a happy life.
James Ay - Follow the sun.