Behind the scenes at Fishhead

I found these great images on Hil Cooks blogsite.  They are from the recent photo shoot for Fishead Magazines Feb/Mar Issue.  Not sure when it's out but it cant be too far away, it might even be out now.

I agree with you Hil, how hot is this suit?  But what about the one the Zoe (the girl model) is wearing, how HOT is that suit?!?

The gorgeous Coral ensemble pictured is by Deryn Schmidt and it, and the rest of Deryn Schmidts 2011 winter collection will be instore very soon at Goodness.  Watch this space for updates and arrivals or email us at and we can put one aside for you.

For more from the Fishead fashion shoot check out the very clever Hil Cooks' website and blog.

HIL COOK BLOG: Behind the scenes with fashion pages of Fishead mag